As we enter into colder, darker months it can get really easy to come up with excuses for not following through with fitness goals. It is in these colder, darker months where we are presented with an opportunity to develop and strengthen our discipline because let’s face it, it’s easy to come up with excuses to not work out. During the summer months, we want to be outside and staying active. Winter months, different story. I’m here to share some ideas on how to stay focused, strengthen your discipline to work out and achieve the goals you’ve set for yourself.

First, it’s important to set out specific goals that you would like to achieve. Attaching timelines to these goals will help keep you accountable to them. I know this seems obvious but it starts here. Think about what part of the day are you your best self; the part of the day where you have the best energy, focus and attitude. That’s the timeframe you want to assign to working on your goal.

Tracking your process is also helpful in keeping you accountable and encouraged. Pay attention to all the victories along the way to achieving your goal. If you focus solely on the goal you will miss out on all the growth that is taking place along the way. Consistency is a great example of something you should feel proud of every time you show up and put in the work.

Discipline really comes down to making the decision to follow through with your plan to work towards achieving a goal. It isn’t based on feelings, circumstances, or distractions. It’s about choice. Discipline is really developed in the choices we make over and over again to be consistent to our goals and our path. When you have those moments where you really don’t feel like working out or finishing that last 1km, or completing the last few reps, it’s in those situations where discipline is truly developing. If you committed to something, complete it, doesn’t matter how you feel, get it done. Make the choice to do and just do it.

Discipline is a tug of war between our emotions and our logic. Working out is a great non-threatening way to develop this essential attribute that can be applied to all areas of life.

Make sure your perspective about working out is healthy. When I struggle to wake up early in the morning when it’s dark and cold I remind myself that waking up is a blessing; having the ability to move my body, also a blessing. If that doesn’t inspire you to get up and workout, I’d say your gratitude isn’t in alignment. What you feed your mind with ends up formulating thoughts and thoughts turn into words and actions. So, check in with your thoughts when you are preparing for and engaging in your workouts. Trust me, what you tell your brain about the activity you are participating in will impact your emotional response to it.

Working out shouldn’t be looked at as a chore but rather a privilege. Working out shouldn’t be dependant on the weather, it shouldn’t be based on how you feel or don’t feel. It’s a commitment to yourself and if we struggle with commitments with ourselves how can we be reliable to others?

So as we start this new month, I encourage you to set out your specific goals with timelines and make the decision each day to stay committed to your success. I’m rooting for you!