Change is often a challenging concept for most of us. Even in circumstances where change can bring about new and better opportunities we oftentimes delay the process. Rather than embracing the change we fear it, leading us to avoid it.

So why is it that change so difficult? For starters, it’s because comfort is something that we’ve been taught to seek and maintain in our culture. Anything that brings discomfort isn’t typically sought after or given praise for. However, seeking comfort at the expense of dealing with necessary realities life tends to throw our way has not done us any good. In fact, I would argue that it has caused more problems than solutions.

Consider this, if we struggle with change that we know is coming, in situations where we have a level of control over and the possibilities of positive outcomes are present, then how are we going to manage in situations where change isn’t in our control, it’s unexpected and has a likelihood of negative outcomes? It’s a set up for failure.

It is evident that change is apart of life, it should therefore also be evident that if you want to manage well during seasons of change you have to intentionally develop certain aspects of yourself that will assist you in change.

If you take nothing else from this article, take this, adversities are an opportunity to develop areas in our character that we might not otherwise have the opportunity to evolve. Rather than reject change, embrace it, it can teach us a lot if we are willing to learn.

Tips to help cope with uncertain times and unwanted change:

  • Focus on the lesson not the problem: this promotes optimism
  • Separate facts from feelings: our feelings are unreliable as they come from many sources. While your feelings are important, they shouldn’t be the driver of your actions or attitude. Explore your feelings, understand them but then identify what are the facts you have regarding your situation and move on.
  • Focus on the things and areas of your life you do have control over
  • Practice gratitude: has many mental and physical health benefits
  • Avoid complaining: doesn’t resolve anything and results in negative attitudes as well as negative physical and mental health (we spoke about how to stop the negative cycle of complaining in a previous post)
  • Seek solutions not issues: produces results, engages in what you do have control over
  • Build your network of people who already have what it is you are needing, seeking and working towards: accept that we all need support

What areas in our character that have the opportunity to grow during change?

Resiliency: the ability to recover readily or to return to original form

Adaptability: the ability to adjust oneself readily to different conditions

Acceptance: the act of taking or receiving something given

Perseverance: steady persistence in a state of action in spite of difficulties, obstacles and discouragement

Focus: to concentrate, to give attention to

Discipline: to bring to a state of order and obedience    

Determination: firmness of purpose, the quality of being resolute

Gratitude: feeling of thankfulness or great fullness

If you are being faced with a challenging situation and can shift the narrative in your mind to focus on building your character rather then allowing your circumstance to control you and deplete you, you will be stronger, wiser and better prepared for the next challenge that arises. You will encourage and inspire others around you which will in turn encourage and inspire you.