Distractions are everywhere, whether they be external or internal they are constantly present. There will always be something that is tugging for your attention when you are trying to focus on something else. In order to maximize productivity and take control of your time and resources, we have to work on adopting practices that assist us in our ability to focus, to be present and to refuse to give attention to uninvited information. Developing better focus is something that needs to be practiced daily.

Here are some tips to eliminate those distractions:

1. Avoid multitasking

Give your full attention to one thing at a time. This will ensure that you are making the most of your time towards a specific task you are choosing to focus on.

2. Identify a very specific intention you have for that task

Having intention assigns purpose to what you are doing. If you do get distracted during this time bringing to your mind the reason, purpose and intention you’re giving to this allotted time will help keep you on track.

3. Assign a timeframe for you to complete the task

Providing full attention to anything is mentally exhausting, so to ensure you making the most of your time put a timeframe on when you will take a break or when you will be completed. Timeframes also help keep you accountable to yourself, as it’s a tool to measure your productivity.

4. Check your environment

Where we chose to focus is just as important as what we chose to focus on. Our physical environment can either influence or hinder our focus. Clutter for example, hinder focus. When your environment is organized, your brain isn’t distracted by trying to make sense of the clutter around you. Lighting, smells, sounds, fresh air all contribute to the quality of our focus.

5. Food

Consume foods that support focus and concentration such as blueberries, beets, bananas, avocados, leafy greens, nuts, dark chocolate, include flax seed and omega 3’s in your diet. Preparing a spread of such foods ahead of time will make your break time a productive one!

6. Meditation and Mindfulness

If you find you get stuck during the process and your mind keeps wandering, stop, sit back, close your eyes and start to do some deep breathing. You are now engaging your brain to focus on one specific thing and that is your breathing. If your mind wanders, gently bring it back to your breath. Do this several times until you are back in a place of focus.

7. Value your “you time”

When you are working on something that requires focus, value your own time in making a decision. Work on not responding to your phone or engage in conversations that have nothing to do with your current task. Don’t allow your mind to wander, and if it does, pause and bring it back into focus. You’ve set aside this time to work on something specific, don’t allow others to take from your “you time”. Essentially, it’s you putting up boundaries with others so you can make the most of the time you have because if you don’t value your own time then no one else will.

What tips can you implement to enhance your focus?