If you’re not on social media, you’re invisible. This goes for both people and brands. Looking for a job? Be on social media. Want to grow your business? Be on social media. Want to advance your career? Be on social media.

Social media is often untapped when it comes to personal branding. Often businesses will see the value in growing their following online but for that person looking to land their dream job, they don’t see the benefits. They say “it’s all in who you know”, but what if you were able to expand who you know into a large online community? Be on social media.

But what should I post? We’ve put together a short but effective list of things you can post that are easy to execute. Posting frequently keeps you top of mind for your audience (be it consumers or people in your industry) and works with the algorithm to get you that reach you need to grow.

1. Repurpose Tweets for Instagram

Take your higher performing tweets, screenshot them, and post them on Instagram. You can add more context to the image or a CTA to make it more contextually relevant for that specific platform.
Tweets = keep it short and sweet
Instagram = give all the extra value

2. Use Your Notes App

Whenever inspiration strikes, write it down in the notes app! Screenshot what you wrote and post it to Instagram. These can really be about anything! Thoughts about a new project, positive reminders, or a personal message to your audience.

3. Design Quote Graphics

Found a quote that had an impact on you and think your audience could benefit from it as well? Or even better, something you said! Pull it into an easy editor like Canva where there are hundreds of templates for you to choose from. Perfect for those of us that are not quite the graphic designers we wish we were and post to Instagram!

Even better, add your own personal takeaways and how it made in impact on you in the caption. Quotes are highly shareable!

4. Quick Tips Video in 60 Seconds or Less

Take a longer version of a video/blog post and chop it up into bite size pieces and share it as a quick video speaking directly to your audience. Post on Facebook, LinkedIn, and/or Instagram.


  • 5 pieces of advice for upcoming talent in ___ industry
  • 3 ways to boost happiness
  • how I start my day on the right foot
  • 5 tips for staying on top of the trends in ___ industry

There you have it, you don’t need a team to be posting on social media but you do need to be POSTING on social media! What other quick and effective content pieces have you been producing lately?