Have you created your career search strategy?

For most of us, applying for a new job or career begins with applying for all jobs that appeal to us. The process can often result in dead ends, discouraging outcomes and no call-backs. There is a reason for this! In order to get into the career of your dreams, you have to work hard for it, and it doesn’t involve applying for all the jobs you hope to get a call-back for.

A career search strategy can be a motivating and structured way to set yourself up for success. Building your career strategy is as simple as 1-2-3!

1. Define What You Are Looking For

Your self-analysis is where it begins! Your personal interests, academic background (although not always necessary, but can still be important), your skill set, lifestyle (i.e. wanting a 9-5 schedule, shift work, or a flexible schedule) will really help you determine a career that best fits YOU. If you have a family and you want to be home in the afternoons with your children, a tradition office job will likely not be a great fit for you. Really take time to consider these factors before you apply for a position.

2. Identify Key Milestones For Your Search

Preparing, organizing, making a list of goals for your search and working on your interview skills. This step is crucial to your successful career search. The idea of creating a spreadsheet seems very daunting, however, it’s a great way to keep track of everything pertaining to your career search in one spot. Use it to organize contacts, applications etc.

Start your search properly! Begin with your personal contacts including former colleagues who have moved on to new positions who may be able to help connect you with someone, friends and family. You can also do some networking by attending different events – they don’t always have to cost money either! Get creative! Additional resources include recruiters and staffing agencies and LinkedIn. Both are really great search options.

Practicing your interview skills can really help you gain confidence. When you’re searching for a new career, everything feels new and unexplored. So of course going to an interview is going be stressful and possibly even cause some anxiety. But if you’re prepared and confident in your interviewing skills it can make a huge difference for both you and the interviewee.

3. Follow Through

And finally, make yourself accountable to your career search strategy. Finding a new career and getting a job doesn’t always happen right away. It takes a lot of dedication and work and feels like a job itself. Make sure that each day you dedicate a few hours to your career search and do what you need to do to ensure you follow through!

Good luck!