Naturopathic Medicine is an evidence-based medical practice that uses natural treatments like clinical nutrition, herbal medicine, acupuncture and hydrotherapy to help the body heal itself.  Within the sphere of medicine, Naturopathic Medicine is best suited to treat health concerns that are chronic in nature.  These are typically diseases of poor lifestyle that have wreaked havoc on metabolic and hormonal processes in the body – think diabetes, gut issues and out-of-whack hormones.  Conventional medical care excels at treating acute health concerns.  So if you’re having a heart attack, please do not show up at my door!  It is not to say that one should choose one over the other – there is definitely a time and  place for both and it is my belief that a truly efficient and effective healthcare delivery model requires access to both.  

Have you ever thought about seeing a Naturopathic Doctor (ND) but were unsure of what to expect or why you might need one?  I’m breaking down my top 4 reasons for getting some Naturopathic care in your life!  Of course, being a Naturopathic Doctor myself, I am inherently biased, but I believe so deeply in the magic of Naturopathic Medicine.  It is truly the future of optimal wellness and disease prevention. 

1. Treat the Whole Person

A naturopathic approach to wellness seeks to treat the whole person.  The conventional approach to health is one that takes on a systems approach – looking at each system in the body as its own entity.  The reality though, is that the different systems of the body are very much so intertwined with each other.  In my initial consultations, I am not only looking at a patient’s main health concern but also at their energy, sleep, stress, digestion, mental health, diet and the list goes on. My initial consultations are comprehensive because humans are comprehensive.  My role is to fit the pieces of your puzzle together in order to help you achieve your best health outcomes.  

2. Root Cause Wellness

The mission of an ND is never to exclusively offer Band-Aid solutions to the symptoms that you experience.  We look beyond symptoms in order to treat at the root cause of what ails you.  Getting to the root of the problem ensures lasting results.  Here’s a quick example:  Both Patient A and Patient B are experiencing insomnia.  While Patient A can’t get to sleep because they are highly anxious and stressed out, Patient B can’t sleep because their partner snores like a bear!  Can sleep meds help both patients?  Absolutely!  But will they provide lasting solutions?  Probably not.  

3. Education = Empowerment

One of the signature principles of Naturopathic medical care is “Doctor as Teacher.”  A typical session with an ND can last upwards of 1 hour.  The purpose of this time investment is not only to understand a patient’s health concerns and help them feel heard, but also to educate them on their body, what ails them and why we are taking the treatment approach that we are.  Education allows the patient to be an active participant in the management of their own health and fosters a level of engagement on the patient’s end that is empowering.

4. Personalized Care

Naturopaths recognize that no two people will experience the same symptoms or health concerns in exactly the same way.  As such, there is no such thing as a blanket approach to care in Naturopathic Medicine. Treatment protocols are customized to the patient’s unique experience, health goals and lifestyle.

Find out more about naturopathic healthcare from Dr. Candice Todd, ND on Instagram